PACES – Bulk ICC Account Process


The Internet Chess Club (ICC) and Playing ACES CHESS are thrilled that you want to create bulk ICC accounts for your school’s students.  This process is very simple!

In collaboration with the Internet Chess Club (ICC) Playing ACES CHESS has arranged for focus area schools to receive BULK RATE discounted ICC accounts for their school.  Schools registering for these bulk rate accounts will enjoy the following benefits from this arrangement:

  • Full access the ICC’s online learning center
  • Full access to ICC’s online match challenge so they play their friends online
  • Ability to use the ICC site in one of these languages: (English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese or Spanish)
  • FREE New User accounts that will cover the current school year including the summer (01 Sep – 31 Aug)
  • Annual extension of their FREE account under special annual pricing if renewed in bulk


First, ONLY a member of your school’s leadership team (Principal or Assistant Principal), or a Representative of your School’s PTO/PTA will be allowed to request bulk accounts.   The following information will be required when you go to this link in order to register to receive bulk accounts.

  • School Name in Playing ACES CHESS Core Outreach Area (Drop down list of approved core outreach area schools)
  • Number of Bulk Accounts Desired (Drop down of prepackaged accounts desired as – 12, 18, 24, 32 accounts)
  • School Year Desired (Drop down with school years for selection)
  • Bulk Representative’s Name (First Last)
  • Bulk Representative’s Role (Drop down list of approved requester roles)
  • Bulk Representative’s Primary Email
  • Bulk Representative’s Primary Phone Number
  • Who will Mentor / Coach parents & chess club students to effectively use the ICC tools? (Drop down of options)

After completing the request laying ACES CHESS will do the rest!

Second, After Playing ACES CHESS has received your request they will immediately notify ICC to create your FREE accounts good for the current school year from 01 August through 31 July annually.  {Notice: Bulk accounts created during the Fall /Winter (Aug – Dec) will have the longest FREE use period of authorized users for your students. Those created from Winter/Spring (Jan – Apr) will only be accessible for their use from Jan – 31 July.  Authorized school representatives may begin to request upcoming school year bulk accounts from 01 May – 31 July for the upcoming new School Year.}  Once your bulk accounts are created you will receive the following notification via the email you provided when requesting the creation of NEW bulk accounts for your school:

  • School Representative’s Authorization Letter (View Example Only) : As the authorized school representative you will be required to comply with the accounting procedures outlined in the School Representative’s Authorization Letter.
  • Individual Account Authorization Letters (View Example Only): This is the letter that you will receive via email that you will print off and give to the parent / guardian to whom you have issued one of the bulk accounts requested for your school.

Third,  COPPA Compliance (Click here to learn more)!  These accounts are between you as your school’s authorized representative and the parents to whom you issue an Individual Account Authorization Letter.  Even if you have two siblings say a 3rd grader and a 5th grader in the same household in your chess club they must be issued a separate account.

Since bulk accounts are created using an alpha-numeric Username, ONLY an authorized school official (Principal / Assistant Principal) or an authorized PTO/PTA representative will know to whom these accounts have been issued.  NOTICE:  In order to assure local distribution of accounts are handled in an equitable manner Playing ACES CHESS reserves the right to make an onsite audit of your records.  Such audits may be conducted from 01 Oct to 30 Nov or from 01 Feb – 30 May depending on when bulk accounts are established for your school.  What must be present for the audit:

  • Copies of all Individual Account Authorization Letters for that school year
  • List of all requested renewals
  • Copy of the last 3-5 years of yours school’s Representative’s Authorization Letter

Forth, Renewal process! Bulk accounts will be handled in two fashions for your school –

  • Scenario 1 – Lets say you get 24 bulk accounts for the 2016-2017 school year.  Lets also say that you distributed these accounts as follows –
    • Example Distribution
      • 10 accounts to 3rd graders
      • 8 accounts to 4th graders
      • 6 account to 5th graders
    • In many cases 5th graders move on other schools.  For instance for your returning 3rd graders who will be 4th graders and 4th graders who will be 5th graders simply report the account numbers you want renewed for the new school.  These renewals will at $10 / student rate.  Simply download this Excel spreadsheet and forward it along with your check
  • Scenario 2 – Lets say a Middle School or a High School parent / guardian brings in their ORIGINAL Account Authorization Letter so they can continue to receive the special Playing ACES CHESS discounted bulk rate to continue to use the features of ICC including the learning center, team play, individual challenge and tournament play.  Simply download this Excel spread sheet, complete it and immediately return it to

Bottom Line:

  • New K-12 students receiving a bulk account to ICC will enjoy a school year (Aug – Jul annually) FREE to learn, play and explore the game of chess.
  • Annual School Year renewals will be $10/renewed student.
  • Schools will be able to expose their K-12 students to high quality safe online chess education and online participation in team or individual challenge event formats.

Value Statement: If a K-12 student continues to use the ICC platform to train to improve their game or to participate in online chess events (individual or team-based) for at least 1 hr a week the value statement is simple –

  • Where else can a K-12 student get thousands of hours of chess education and training experience for as little as ~$0.20/week (each renewal year) created and continually updated by some of world’s leading practitioners of the game.
  • Where else can rural or low income schools who want to create a chess culture for their students have access to such resources at such an advantageous price point.
  • When working with local partner such as Playing ACES CHESS where else can schools in their core and extended service area have someone they can reach out to locally to address issues and concerns about accounts for their students and interface with ICC to resolve such issues.