On 17 Oct 2017 the legendary 5-time Armed Forces Chess Champion, International Master (IM) Emory Tate, will have been gone from the chess world for a year. His death at age 57 reminds us of our mortality and that life like chess is measured by each move we make or fail to make. An Air Force friend of my knew Tate. During my military career I was not privileged to meet or play Sergeant Tate, but I knew of his status and the Armed Forces Chess Championship. I was also not privileged to play in this event, but knew several who did play in the event and who did knew Sgt. Tate personally.
Here is a link to Tate’s games on the Chessgames site. As a veteran, I call on other vets to help me spread the word about chess. Please check out Chess for Humanity to see how chess is making a difference in the lives of veterans and others. Playing ACES CHESS wants chess to become a social and intellectual process the entire Charlottesville / Albemarle Community can engage with.